Book an Appointment

Careers Network is here to help you make the most of your time at 小蓝视频, as you plan and prepare for your future career. We provide information, advice, coaching, events and opportunities to help you develop your skills and enhance your career prospects. Our services are available to all students, graduates, doctoral researchers and University staff.

Find out below about the different types of appointments available to access personalised one to one support.  If you don't know what type of help is best for you, or you'd rather just drop in and see us without needing an appointment, visit one of our Careers Hubs and our friendly team will be happy to help!

A student and staff member sat at desks in an appointment

Careers Hubs (East and West) - 10 Minutes - No appointment needed


Careers Hub East (Stewart Mason Building 0.06)

Careers Hub West (West Park Teaching Hub 0.07)


These in person sessions offer you 5-10 minutes to discuss any career-related or student development query.


Monday - Friday, 11.00 - 3.00 during term times.


No booking needed - just drop in during the above times. Simply sign in on arrival and sit and wait to be called by a member of the Careers Network team.

On the few occasions that we need to close the hubs for team training, we will put a sign on the doors to let you know and confirm when we will re-open.  We apologise in advance for any inconvenience.

Top Tips

At busy times of the the year, you may have to wait a little while.  But please be patient, do some further research or catch up with something else, and we will try and see you as soon as possible.  To ensure you can be seen on that day please arrive at least 30 minutes before closing time.

Careers and Enterprise Advice - 20 Minutes


These are 20-minute appointments open to all students, graduates, doctoral researchers and staff.   We offer help with CVs, covering letters, applications, interview preparation or any query relating to skills development, work experience, further study, graduate careers or self-employment.

Availability and Booking

Monday - Friday, during term time and vacations.

There are 2 types of appointments you can book:

1. Careers and Enterprise Advice - Remote appointments

These are accessible via MS Teams or Telephone.

Bookable via from 8.30am on the day you would like your appointment.

2. Careers and Enterprise Advice - In person appointments

These are held in Careers Hub East (SMB 0.06) and Careers Hub West (WPT 0.07).

Bookable via up to 48 hours in advance of the day you would like your appointment. 

Please refer to your booking confirmation before attending to make sure you have the correct day, time and location.

We kindly ask that you limit your bookings to one Careers and Enterprise Advice appointment per day, so we can see as many students as possible.  For an urgent query you can drop in to one of our Careers Hubs between 11 and 3 on weekdays.

Top Tips

To make the most of a Careers and Enterprise Advice appointment, you might like to access further information and advice on our website, the App and by using our online tools: Excel in Employer Selection Processes, eCareersGrad, Graduates First and Student Circus.

Careers Coaching - 30 Minutes


30-minute appointments for finalists, master's students, doctoral researchers and University staff.  Careers Coaching appointments are with a careers coach experienced in supporting students in your School, to help you identify strengths, explore careers options, discuss opportunities, set goals and progress your career plans.

These appointments are for a longer careers-related discussion. If you would like your CV, covering letter or application checked, or have quick questions, please book a Careers and Enterprise Advice appointment or drop into one of our Careers Hubs.


Monday - Friday, during term time and vacations.

Accessible via Telephone, MS Teams or in-person.


Bookable in advance, either following an initial Careers and Enterprise Advice appointment, by referral from another Careers Network adviser, or phoning 01509 222765. 

Top Tips

To make the most of a Careers Advice appointment, you might like to access further information and advice on our website, the App and by using our online tools: Excel in Employer Selection Processes, eCareersGrad, Graduates First and Student Circus.

Interview Coaching - 30 Minutes


30-minute appointments open to all students, graduates, doctoral researchers and staff.  These sessions are for you to practise and improve interview technique via a ‘mock interview’, receive feedback and build confidence.

You can book one of these once you have a confirmed interview with an employer or course provider. If you have general questions about interviews and how to prepare, drop into a Careers Hub or book a Careers and Enterprise Advice appointment, where we can signpost you to some helpful resources. See also our Top Tips below.


Monday - Friday, during term time and vacations.

Accessible via Telephone, MS Teams or in person.


Bookable in advance by phone on 01509 222765.

Top Tips

To make the most of this opportunity, access further information and advice on our website, the App and by using our online tools: Excel in Employer Selection Processes, eCareersGrad and Graduates First.




Business and Enterprise Coaching - 30 Minutes


30-minute appointments open to all students and graduates. These sessions are with a student enterprise coach to help you to develop your entrepreneurial skills and knowledge, test and validate your idea(s), launch your business or freelance career and support your applications for funding and competitions.


Accessible via Telephone or MS Teams. 


Bookable in advance following an initial Careers and Enterprise Advice appointment, by referral from a Careers Network adviser or phoning 01509 222765. 

Top Tips

By reviewing the information on our website and the App this will give you tell you more about how we can help and give you a head start for your initials conversations with us.

Academic Success Coaching - 40 Minutes


Work 1:1 with a dedicated coach to help you achieve your full potential while at university. Explore and develop a range of techniques to identify and play to your strengths, overcome barriers to success, and improve your grades. 

We support on a range of topics including Exam Techniques, Procrastination, Motivation/Confidence, Perfectionism, Presentation Skills, Resilience, Time Management and Organisation.

Depending on who you are and where you are at in the student journey, there is a tailored offer to enable you to achieve academic success (in whatever way that looks for you).


Monday - Friday, during term time and vacations.

Accessible via Telephone, MS Teams or in-person.

See whether you are eligible below* and what other support is available to you.


Sign up here for .

Further support*

UK students can access the following: 

Foundation and Part A studentsGet Ahead Together (group peer mentoring) and workshops for academic success. 

Part B, C, I, and D students – 1:1 Academic Success Coaching and workshops for academic success.

While 1:1 coaching is not currently available to postgraduate students, we offer select workshops and sessions throughout the year which you can take advantage of. So please keep an eye out for what is available to you in the events calendar on .

International students are entitled to: exclusive support from the Academic Language Support Service who offer a range of fantastic workshops (in person and remote) and online resources through the .