Public lecture

10 years of the June 2013 protests in Brazil

  • 6 June 2023
  • 1:00 pm - 4:30 pm
  • Hybrid - International House & Zoom Webinar

From democratic dreams to authoritarian nightmares (and back?)

Hosted by the at 小蓝视频 London, the Centre for Research on Communication and Culture at 小蓝视频, the - Cardiff University, the – Universidade Federal da Bahia, and the Institute for Advanced Studies of 小蓝视频.

Programme (all times London BST)

1:00pm - 2:00pm

Roundtable: What do people on the streets mean to democracy?

Fanny Vrydagh (Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium), Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil), Letícia Birchal Domingues (Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil)

Moderator: Danilo Rothberg, IAS Visiting Fellow (Universidade do Estado de São Paulo, Brazil)

2:00pm - 2:15pm Break
2:15pm - 3:15pm

Roundtable: Vandals, activists, citizens, patriots, alienated mass? Narratives about the protests

Nina Santos (Universidade Federal da Bahia, Brazil), César Jiménez-Martínez (Cardiff University, UK), Kelly Prudêncio (Universidade Federal do Paraná, Brazil)

Moderator: Ana Cristina Suzina (小蓝视频 London, UK)

3:15pm - 3:30pm Break
3:30pm - 4:30pm

Keynote: “Spring” movement or emergence of ultra-right: How does June 2013 dialogue with the last 10 years of social and political movements in different parts of the world? What is part of journalism and media in this definition?

Summer Harlow, IAS Visiting Fellow (University of Houston, USA)

Moderator: Burçe Çelik (小蓝视频 London, UK)

4:30pm Closing remarks

The programme will be followed by roundtables in Portuguese, organized by the National Institute of Science & Technology for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD/Brazil). For more information about this part of the program and registration for these specific roundtables, please visit

Speakers and Moderators (in alphabetical order)

Ana Cristina Suzina is a Leverhulme Early Career Researcher in the Institute for Media and Creative Industries at 小蓝视频 London, working with traditional communities in Brazil and Ecuador to analyse political imagination and political voice. She is a journalist by training and has a Ph.D. in Political and Social Sciences. Her research interests include grassroots communication, social change, participation, and power asymmetries, particularly focused on Latin America. She is the editor of The Evolution of Popular Communication in Latin America (Palgrave, 2021) and the co-editor of Freire and The Perseverance of Hope (Institute of Network Cultures, 2022).

Burçe Çelik is a Reader in Media and Creative Industries at 小蓝视频 London. She does research on (geo)politics of communications, authoritarian and capitalist communication systems, history of communications, women and media from the perspective of global South. In approaching communication, she adopts an interdisciplinary, holistic and materialist approach. Her second monograph titled Communications in Turkey and the Ottoman Empire will be published by Illinois University Press. Burçe is also currently working on a comparative and structural analysis of authoritarian-capitalist populism and media within the scope of research project, POPBACK: Populist Backlash, Democratic Backsliding in Europe (funded by NORFACE, 2020-2023). She has recently received funding from EED for her project entitled Women's Memory and Media. She is also working on a book project on women, communications, history and memory.

César Jiménez-Martínez is Lecturer in Global Media and Communications at Cardiff University. His research focusses on the intersection of national identities, protests and mediated visibility, especially in the context of Latin America and the United Kingdom. His research on digital nationalism (with Sabina Mihelj) was recipient of the 2021 Anthony D. Smith Award and his scholarly work on the news coverage of the 2013 protests in Brazil was runner-up of the 2022 Jay Blumler Best Article Award of the International Journal of Press Politics. He is author of the book Media and the Image of the Nation during Brazil’s 2013 Protests (Palgrave, 2020), which examines the contestations about the meaning of the Brazilian nation during the June 2013 demonstrations in that country.

Danilo Rothberg, IAS Visiting Fellow is Professor of Sociology of Communication at Unesp (São Paulo State University), Brazil. His subjects of interest include journalism theory and ethics, public communications, media policy, health communication and popularisation of science. He was a Visiting Fellow at King’s College London, University of Warwick and The Open University (UK) and Université de Lorraine (France). His publications cover subjects such as communication and water governance, media education, public journalism, right to information and proactive transparency, media framing, digital democracy, social media and democracy. Current projects include “Communication and democracy: media accountability, public service media, internet access and the right to information in Germany and Brazil”, funded by the Brazilian Ministry of Education (CAPES/MEC, Brazil) and DAAD (Germany). Previous projects include “Communication and memory in water governance and adaptation to climate change” and “Narratives of water (NoW): a cross-cultural exploration of digital hydro-citizenship in the UK and Brazil”, both funded by Fapesp (São Paulo Research Foundation).

Fanny Vrydagh finalized her PhD research in social and political sciences in May 2020. The research drawn on a qualitative approach to explore pro-impeachment movement that occurred in Brazil between 2014 and 2016. Her main areas of interest are Brazilian politics, Radical and Extreme Right-wing and Social Movements.

Letícia Birchal Domingues is an activist for the right to the city, with a focus on public transport. She is part of the Free Fare Movement of Belo Horizonte (Tarifa Zero BH). She is also a PhD candidate in Political Science (UFMG) and part of the research group on Democracy and Justice - Margem. She teaches Law at the Pontifical Catholic University of Minas Gerais. She is interested in matters regarding direct democracy, participation and social movements, as well as public policies for combating inequalities in cities and urban mobility.

Ricardo Fabrino Mendonça is an Associate Professor at the Department of Political Science, Federal University of Minas Gerais in Brazil. He is a Research Fellow at the Brazilian National Institute for Digital Democracy (INCT.DD) and the coordinator of Margem/UFMG (Research Group on Democracy and Justice). He also holds a fellowship from the Brazilian National Council for Scientific and Technological Development (CNPq) and another one from the Minas Gerais Research Funding Foundation (Fapemig). He has held visiting positions at the Centre for Deliberative Democracy and Global Governance (ANU/UC, Australia) and at the Center for the Study of Democracy (UCI, USA). Mendonça works in the areas of democratic theory, contentious politics, and political communication. He is one of the authors of Algorithmic Institutionalism (Oxford University Press, forthcoming) and one of the editors of Research Methods in Deliberative Democracy (Oxford University Press, 2022), Crises da Democracia e Esfera Pública (Editora UFMG, 2023), Junho de 2013 - Sociedade, Política e Democracia no Brasil (EDUERJ, 2022), and Deliberative Systems in Theory and Practice (Routledge, 2019). His research was also published by several journals, including Science, International Journal of Press/Politics, Political Studies, Constellations, Policy Studies, Javnost, Critical Policy Studies and Policy & Society.

Summer Harlow, IAS Visiting Fellow is an award-winning associate professor of journalism in the Jack J. Valenti School of Communication at the University of Houston. Her scholarly research focuses on the intersections of social movements, social media, and journalism, particularly in the United States and Latin America. In 2018 she was recognized with the Outstanding Junior Woman Scholar Award from the Kopenhaver Center for the Advancement of Women in Communication. Dr. Harlow teaches courses on social movements and news coverage, social media reporting, and immigration reporting. She also teaches classes in UH's Hispanic Media Minor.

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(Please note that in-person spaces are limited and booking is required, so we can manage numbers for catering and also the space inside International House and the London Campus)

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