
Leicestershire, UK
LE11 3TU
+44 (0)1509 263171

Advanced VR Research Centre

The AVRRC has a strong history of working with industry, Ministry of Defence, Government Establishments and many others in terms of tackling special projects.

We are always keen to take on that unusual project - this can involve access to our unique range of facilities and expertise through to undertaking short term research (can be as short as three months). We have been known to undertake much shorter duration projects (approx 1 week) - these would typically involve an indepedant assesment of some special technology.

In most cases we are more than happy to sign a non disclosure agreement or memorandum of understanding to safeguard your commercial interests.

For further details please contact Professor Roy S. Kalawsky

(email: r.s.kalawsky@lboro.ac.uk, tel: +44 (0)1509 635678)