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Updates from the MLSC

Summer mathematics & statistics support and statistics advisory service

The MLSC are proud to announce to all postgraduates, that Safa Elsheikh, Hugo Lortie-Forgues, Krzysztof Cipora and Ouhao Chen will be available on designated weeks throughout the summer, to provide 1-1 remote stats advisory service (30 mins) sessions on MS Teams starting from 26.6.23 to 27.9.23 inclusive.

These sessions can be booked here

For undergraduates who may need to re-sit exams, we will be offering 1-1 remote mathematics and statistics support (20 mins) sessions, daily, on MS Teams from 17.8.23 - 1.9.23 inclusive in the run up to the Special Assessment Period.

Book a session with Ben Evans, Jack Graham or Nicki Timson here