Infrastructure Committee

Terms of Reference


Overall Remit and Responsibilities

  1. To provide assurance to Council and Senate that the University estate is being deployed in an optimal way to best fulfil the aims of the University.
  2. To provide specialist oversight in relation to the core estates, energy and IT infrastructure strategies ensuring that they are aligned to the overall University Strategy.
  3. To provide specialist oversight in relation to the development of material estates, energy and IT infrastructure projects.
  4. To provide assurance to Senate and Council on matters relating to the procurement, maintenance and disposal of land and buildings and associated services, within the context of the University's estate management strategy.
  5. To provide assurance to Senate and Council on matters relating to the procurement, maintenance and disposal of IT infrastructure and associated services, within the context of the University's IT and data management strategy.
  6. To provide assurance to Senate and Council on matters relating to the information governance and associated services, within the context of the University's Information Governance framework, policies and activities.
  7. To provide assurance to the Audit and Risk committee that relevant strategic risks are being managed appropriately.

Major Building and Long Term Maintenance

  1. To consider and recommend approval of major projects within guidelines approved by Council, providing an independent opinion of detailed plans, business case assumptions and costings, considering value for money, aesthetics and other data that is available.
  2. To consider and make recommendations on the detailed programme of Long Term Maintenance work within the Capital Framework budget prior to approval by Strategic Portfolio and Resources Committee.
  3. To receive reports from Project Management Boards and to make recommendations where required on the appointment of consultants and contractors in accordance with the following financial limits and within the total budget released by Strategic Portfolio and Resources Committee.

Major IT and Long Term Maintenance

  1. To consider and recommend approval of material IT infrastructure projects, in particular to providing an independent opinion on proposals, business case assumptions and costings, considering value for money, and other information that is available.
  2. To consider and make recommendations on the detailed programme of Long Term Maintenance work within the budget approved by Strategic Portfolio and Resources Committee.

Information Technology and Governance Risk

  1. To consider reports from the Information Governance Sub-Committee specifically considering the effectiveness and appropriateness of the University’s Information Governance framework, policies and activities.
  2. To provide assurance to the Audit and Risk Committee on the management of the strategic IT related risks.

Additional Estates and IT Infrastructure Responsibilities

  1. To have oversight of all strategic plans to ensure that the aesthetic quality of the campus, including landscaping and the siting and appearance of buildings is maintained to expected standards.
  2. To consider recommendations for, and approve, the naming of buildings and roads on campus.
  3. To consider the reports and recommendations of the Infrastructure Planning Sub-Committee and consider issues related to sustainable travel, traffic, access control, car parking, utilities and infrastructure and to make recommendations to Council where appropriate, but to act within delegated authority where there are no resource implications.
  4. To consider reports from the Space Management Sub-Committee.
  5. To consider reports from the High Performance Computing Stakeholder Sub-Committee.

Standard Duties

  1. To report to Council and Senate after each meeting.
  2. To review annually its Terms of Reference.
  3. To review annually its effectiveness.
  4. To refer business to other Committees as it sees fit.
  5. To set up and oversee sub groups of the committee and to commission reports from these sub groups as necessary to assist the Committee in its duties, and to produce terms of reference for these groups.